
Photo from talk at AG23

Research talks

  1. Moment identifiability of mixture distributions: the gamma and inverse Gaussian case
    Applied Algebra Seminar at University of Wisconsin–Madison (October 17, 2024)
  2. The generic geometry of steady state varieties
    The Formal Reaction Kinetics seminar, online (September 24, 2024)
  3. Nondegeneracy, robustness and multistationarity in reaction network theory
    “Computer Algebra Applications in the Life Sciences” at ICMS 2024, Durham University (July 23, 2024)
  4. Generalized polyhedral homotopies with tropical geometry
    “Symbolic-Numeric Methods in Algebraic Geometry” at ICMS 2024, Durham University (July 22, 2024)
  5. Robustness and multistationarity conditions for interaction networks with nondegenerate steady states
    Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology at Konkuk University, Seoul (July 1, 2024)
  6. The positive algebraic geometry of vertically parametrized systems
    Positive Solutions of Polynomial Systems Arising from Real-life Applications at BIRS-IMAG (May 21, 2024)
  7. Tropical root bounds and generalized polyhedral start systems in OSCAR
    Software demo at the Graduate Student Meeting in Applied Algebra and Combinatorics in Berlin (April 10, 2024)
  8. Secant varieties in statistics: identifiability of mixture distributions
    Applied Algebra and Geometry Seminar at the University of Copenhagen (March 8, 2024)
  9. Finding all steady states with tropical geometry
    Seminar on the Mathematics of Reaction Networks (November 30, 2023)
  10. Tropical computation of the steady state degree of chemical reaction networks
    Lightning talk at IMSI (October 12, 2023)
  11. Moment varieties of classical distributions
    “Varieties from Statistics” at IMSI (October 2, 2023)
  12. Generic dimension and optimal start systems in reaction network theory
    Seminar on Nonlinear Algebra at MPI MiS Leipzig (September 7, 2023)
  13. Generic dimension of varieties arising in reaction network theory and 3D genome reconstruction
    “Computer Algebra Applications in the Life Sciences” at ACA 2023 (July 20, 2023)
  14. Improved steady state bounds with tropical and toric methods
    “New Approaches to Analyzing Biological Interaction Networks” at SIAM AG23 (July 13, 2023)
  15. The tropical geometry of parametric polynomial systems
    “Queer and Trans Mathematicians in Combinatorics” in London (July 6, 2023)
  16. Detecting and precluding toricity in reaction network theory
    28th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians in Helsinki (August 19, 2022)
  17. Detecting and precluding toricity in reaction network theory
    “Computer Algebra Applications in the Life Sciences” at ACA22 in Gebze-Istanbul (August 15, 2022)
  18. Geometric perspectives on the steady states of reaction networks
    Statistics, Algebra, and Geometry Seminar at Aalto University (November 11, 2021)
  19. Toricity in reaction network theory
    “Algebraic-Geometric Methods for Reaction Networks” at SIAM AG21 (August 19, 2021)


Photo from the poster presentation at AG23
  1. Parametric positive toricity of steady state varieties
    SIAM AG23 (Jul 2023)
  2. Positive parametric toricity in reaction network theory
    Workshop on Solving Polynomial Equations and Applications at CWI (Oct 2022)

Expository presentations

  1. Secant varieties with a view toward applications
    Graduate Algebraic Geometry Seminar at UW–Madison (October 2, 2024)
  2. The real spectrum and prime cones
    Reading Seminar in Real Algebraic Geometry at Ghent University (April 7, 2022)
  3. From fans to normal toric varieties
    Reading Seminar in Toric Geometry at Ghent University (April 19, 2021)
  4. Unions of tropical hypersurfaces, mixed subdivisions and the Cayley trick
    Reading Group on Tropical Geometry in Copenhagen (March 11, 2021)

Popular science presentations

  1. Gröbner bases in the study of chemical reaction networks
    The 2020 xRays Lecture Series (Sep 2020)